GeeklyInc is proud to announce it will be participating in The Gathering Storm on June 3-4, 2017 . The Gathering Storm is a for fun community tournament between Frogpants,, Convert to Raid, and Lords of the Storm with prizes from each community. The tournament is intended to be a lively competition between several podcast communities.
GeeklyInc will be holding a small tournament in mid-May to determine seeding. The top three teams from that tournament will be named Champions of GeeklyInc and compete for prizes against other communities’ Champions in the June 3-4th tournament.
Anyone can compete in this tournament as it is intended to be fun! If you are looking for a team to compete with head over the to forums here and make a post looking for teammates. Once you have a team sign up on Gathering Storm’s website and make sure to select GeeklyInc as your community!
You can also join the GeeklyInc Discord server to try to find teammates here:
Access the web client or download the desktop client here:
Once you have it you can use this link to join the server:
Look forward to seeing you in the Nexus!