New to Kickstarter: The Dragon Tray

By Nika Howard on

About Nika Howard

What do you get when you have a pinch of bishie sparkles, a dash of sass, and a whole lot of Dungeons and Dragons? The monster known as Nika. Jaela on Drunks and Dragons and Editor for board and tabletop games.


Kickstarter is one of the best places to find the coolest and newest items, games, or really just anything! Today’s “New to Kickstarter” is featuring Dog Might Games, a company that has a history of creating great gaming products for gamers, no matter their budget.  Dog Might’s newest product is Dragon Tray, a dice rolling tray that features (depending on the style) a large rolling area, smaller side areas to hold dice or game tokens, and carries their signature customized coloring of wood options and countless awe-inspiring designs. 


Depending on the amount pledged on the Kickstarter, open now to back, the options are nearly endless for what combinations of wood and color is available. I received a beautiful fire red and orange dragon shaped rolling tray (similar to the one pictured on their Kickstarter homepage) to try out and, yet again, I was blown away by the quality and detail in the tray and their workmanship. The coloring is as brilliant and vibrant as it shows in the pictures on Kickstarter and really bring the dragon and the details to life. The rolling section of the tray is covered in a soft black leather and give just enough grip so that your dice do not fly out of the tray, but not too much grip to stop short your dice from rolling. 


Available to the backers (depending on the tier backed), are over 20 options for wood and color of tray, and over 25 options for the shape and design. For the backer who just can’t choose which options they want, there are a few tiers that offer multiple trays as rewards and even the opportunity to custom create a tray; which will only be available to the backer and not publicly available. All of these options give you the ability, at any level of tier, to have your very own customized creation that will make you the envy of the gaming table. The Kickstarter is open until February 21st, so make sure to grab your Dragon Tray while there are still plenty of spots in all tiers available! Transform your rolling experience from just slinging dice on a character sheet to rolling for the “crits” on a piece of custom art with Dragon Tray

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