Now that our course is set we actually have to figure out how to get to the ding dang Shadowfell. It isn’t easy! Plus we need time to catch our breath while in Pelor’s Hope. Toby is hard at work on a solution thanks to the aide of the some of the greatest minds in …
Our new best friend Eckart Dayhammer gives us a brief history of the Circle of Seven and about how lots of things are real bad right now. But, we know now that our quest leads us to Grol a city in the Shadowfell. Since things are bad like, everywhere we enlisted the aide of our …
With things getting Real Bad in this particular heaven we need to move on. Cut and Run. Get Out While the Gettin is Good. You know. Plus, the greater threat is always around the corner and we must meet it head on in order to make the realms a safer place. We must. If we …
When suspects flee the scene of a crime you gotta throw them into the – Bone Cage. That is how justice is served in a helpful non-lethal way. Plus these two knuckle heads had something to do with the disappearance of a god, so that is a huge no-no in pretty much every realm. But …
Finding Pelor is extremely important, we can all agree, but so is making sure the orcs don’t overrun Elysium. That is a ticking clock with Gruumsh’s face all over it. While we are not powerful enough to take on Gruumsh we are powerful enough to find clues to Pelor’s wheareabouts. We can talk to people …
The mystery of the missing Pelor continues, this time we actually make some progress and find some good clues. Mostly that we have a suspect and it seems like there is a mysterious stranger that knows more than it seems. Also, Toby Takes A Nap! The adventure continues with Skud Derringer (Mike Bachmann), Rowan Grey(Jennifer Cheek), …
Meanwhile in Pelor’s Hope a huge problem has befallen the good Queen Ashayara which requires the help of some of her old allies. Something odd must be going on with the strongest entities in the realms since it seems like they are all riled up and ready to fight whatever they can. What can rile …
Turns out one of the more important aspects of Elysium is missing. It is kinda like going to Disneyland and finding out Mickey Mouse was murdered…After weighing our options I guess we are the ones to solve this problem especially since this cursed orb keeps bringing us to terrible places. Sure, all of this is …
Having narrowly avoided the sea of Gruumsh’s massive army we now have to deal with those pesky bad bois who are climbing over the wall right in front of us. Sure, enemies are swarming everywhere but we are here and I think we can help this section. And then who knows, maybe we can help …
Time to go to literal heaven. We are sure that nothing bad will happen in literal heaven. Time to kick back and relax and drink whatever Pelor and his buds drink. Probably some sort of like…wine made out of…grapes. I almost feel bad for how easy this next step in our Orb Mystery will be. …