Hello and welcome into our home. Our home is an actual play Dungeons & Dragons podcast. Cozy, huh?! Listen as we level up to level 17 and prepare our next adventure. Our fun and weird Orb is itching to bring us to a new plane where I gotta assume nothing bad will happen. We are …
We recorded this episode live from the Lincoln Theater in Columbus Ohio! We had such a wonderful time in an honest to goodness theater. The staff even helped us with fancy lav mics!! It ruled. Listen as your heroes aide a pal who has lost their stick. What dangers will they face? What magical tricks …
The statues resonate with destructive power yet our heroes muster all their strength knowing that if they fail then all of the Feywild, and possibly all realms, will fall. As the waters rise so due their personally held fears that they are not strong enough to aid Melora in her time of need. Some other …
As we draw ever nearer to the sound of battle and the overwhelming, yet hard to place, power emanating from this Fey Castle we know that some truly awful stuff is going to greet us. Just, ten gallons of bad in a 8 gallon jug. Thank the gods that other heroes from the planes seem …
Having defeated and befriended those pesky Drow, your heroes now must enter seat of the Fey Court. Sounds of battle can be heard raging throughout the corpse strewn halls but we must press on! Finally, we will learn some answers about what the heck is going on. Well, at least we hope so. Who knows, …
What is this? Aludra and the gang are up to some investigations on a snowy mountaintop and with Drunkeros in a tailspin they need all the help they can get. Hopefully the The High Level Executive – Class Drow Supreme Fighting Force doesn’t slow down our heroes too much back in the feywild…they have realms to …
We knew that getting into the tower was going to be hard but honestly we kinda hoped that whatever was in the lake was going to be the worst of it. We had no idea that a supreme fighting force would get in our way. Luckily, the Tower of Grey is also a Supreme Fighting …
The Circle of Seven continues their fight against Orcus and his undead minions. Fortunately, this is the most hardened crew of god-slayers in all the realms so if anyone can bring down the dreaded Orcus it is them. But at what cost… This was recorded as a part of our 24-hour International Tabletop Day stream …
What do you do when the natural order of the realms falls in to chaos? Good and evil must exist in harmony so when Orus threatened to disrupt that balance the Archmage Bigby sent for the strongest, meanest and most Demon-Lord vanquising-est adventures around – The Circle of Seven. But will their power be enough …
Due the to busy or sick state of the cast this week we chose to lean into the weird and do another mailbag episode! Thank you to all the folks who wrote in, mainly on twitter, to ask us questions. We could have chatted for 13 hours but we knew we had to save some …