This is our final episode covering Jenn Lyon’s The Name of All Things in her A Chorus of Dragons Series. In this episode we read up to chapter 64 and determine that daaaang Urthaenriel is needy. Your hosts are Josh MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston). Our art is by Chango Chamango …
This is our seventh episode covering Jenn Lyon’s The Name of All Things in her A Chorus of Dragons Series. In this episode we read up to chapter 56 and determine that Relos Var would definitely have “Well actually” breath. Your hosts are Josh MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston). Our art …
This is our sixth episode covering Jenn Lyon’s The Name of All Things in her A Chorus of Dragons Series. In this episode we read up to chapter 48 and determine that beating a dead horse really means something different in this series. Your hosts are Josh MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), and Steph Kingston …
This is our fifth episode covering Jenn Lyon’s The Name of All Things in her A Chorus of Dragons Series. In this episode we read up to chapter 40 and determine that it’s important to get a dragon paternity test. Your hosts are Josh MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston). Our art …
This is our fourth episode covering Jenn Lyon’s The Name of All Things in her A Chorus of Dragons Series. In this episode we read up to chapter 32 and determine that Duke Xun is basically Cuzco from Emperor’s New Groove. Your hosts are Josh MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston). Our …
This is our third episode covering Jenn Lyon’s The Name of All Things in her A Chorus of Dragons Series. In this episode we read up to chapter 24 and talk a lot of bridge politics. Your hosts are Josh MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston). Our art is by Chango Chamango …
This is our second episode covering Jenn Lyon’s The Name of All Things in her A Chorus of Dragons Series. In this episode we read up to chapter 16 and determine that the afterlife is basically Riverdale. Your hosts are Josh MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston). Our art is by Chango …
This is our first episode covering Jenn Lyon’s The Name of All Things in her A Chorus of Dragons Series. In this episode we read up to chapter 8 and determine that Xaltorath is a real wine mom. Your hosts are Josh MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston). Our art is by …