A long time ago, in a Wizarding School far, far in…the norths of Scotland(?), the heroes of our podcast joined together to bravely take on an entire world of magic – the Grim, the evil Dark Lord…and also some kind of gross jellybeans? This week, we consider removing all T’s from our vocabulary, try to …
Egads! Big revelations this week! This entire time, Yer a Wizard, Harry has been living as a podcast when really, WE’RE THREE PEOPLE STANDING ON EACH OTHER’S SHOULDERS UNDER A TRENCH COAT. This week, the Quizzich Cup trudges (drunkenly) onward – do our heroes lose that spark? We also head down the rabbit hole – er, …
We’re riding our broomsticks straight into episode 15, straight into the final match of Quidditch! Will Harry and co. finally win the Quidditch Cup or lose yet again? The trio discuss the dark history of Azkaban and make some comparisons to present day America. Do Sarah and Bijaya finally catch up to Michael in their …
Howdy, mates! Summon your spirit animal and get ready for another hilarifying episode. The Quizzich Cup is moving along fast, nearing its end?(???) with nary a pizza delivery in sight. We also talk about Snape’s continued beef with HP, appropriate teacher behavior, and get all dirty in Hogsmeade. This week we welcome a wonderfully wonderous guest – …
Winter – er, Wizards are coming, our sweet summer children. This week, more invisible points are accrued in the Quizzich Cup and there is more debate on who rang in first. We also see Gryffindor take on their not so much rivals Ravenclaw in a quiddich match – this time plus Firebolt! This week also …
Expecto Patronum! No wait – don’t go away! We take it back. Come join us as we talk about Patronuses. Patroni? This week, the Quizzich Cup battle rages – does Michael widen his lead? Or can Bijaya and Sarah make a comeback? Harry also learns how to ward off those pesky dementors and we all …
Cheers, mates! It’s time to talk about Hogsmeade! But mostly Butterbeer! Because yum. This week on a very special episode of Yer a Wizard, Harry, we head to the kitchen! We try our hands at three different recipes for butterbeer and give YOU the lowdown on the best of the bunch (see all recipes below). …
Be not afraid, class! Today’s podcast is This week, the Quizzich Cup gets – dare we say it – hotter, and Bijaya reveals herself as a savant. We also let the boggart out of the closet and learn to fight it – thanks, Professor Lupin! And we discuss what our own personal boggarts would be. Find …
Sit my children, sit! Pour yourselves a cuppa and let us see what your future holds. (This podcast. It holds this podcast.) The Quizzich Cup heats up – can Bijaya and Sarah catch up? Will Michael ever be stopped?? We also glance into the future – which obviously holds death – and look into the …
Happy Yuletide, friends and foes alike! We decided to stay at Hogwarts over the holiday break in order to bring you a new episode. This week, the Quizzich Cup gets even more contentious – will we have a new leader? Or is Michael grabbing all of those house points? We also discuss the least popular members …