New Today
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Collector’s Edition for $99.99
There are only a few games that buying the Collector’s Edition makes any sense, but Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is absolutely one of them. The game itself is worth $100 being that you could spend 200 hours playing it, and still have content left to burn. On top of that you get a frickin’ 12 inch dragon statue, an art book and a making of DVD. This is available for both Xbox 360 and PS3 (though you may want to hold off on the PS3 version since it has a nasty bug that still needs patching).
L.A. Noire: Complete Edition for $29.99
L.A. Noire had one of the strongest stories of 2011. It plants you in the middle of the 1950s in a slice of pure Americana. Follow Detective Cole Phelps as he unravels a string of murders that someone is determined to sweep under the rug. L.A. Noire: Complete Edition is the one to have since it includes all of the DLC.
12 Month Xbox 360 Live Subscription Gold Card for $39.99
Having a subscription to Xbox Live Gold is one of the necessary evils of owning an Xbox. You can mitigate the evil by never, EVER paying the full price tag of $59.99. Right now you can get a 12 Month Xbox 360 Live Subscription Gold Card for 33% off at Amazon. You don’t need to wait until your current subscription is up, when you enter the code, it will tack the 12 months onto the end of your current subscription. You can stack up to three years of service.
Alice: Madness Returns [Download] for $7.49
Amazon continues to try to horn in on Steam’s business with another extremely low price on a downloadable PC game. Alice: Madness Returns is their deal of the day, so don’t expect it to hang around for too long.
Final Fantasy XIII for $9.99
Sure it isn’t the great Final Fantasy game ever, but if you are into JRPGs, at $9.99 Final Fantasy XIII is worth it just for the production values alone. If you can power through the first 15 hours or so, it is supposed to pay off (I made it about five hours myself). Clearly not a game for everyone, but at this price you aren’t taking a huge risk.
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection for $9.99
Another FF deal from BestBuy today. Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection should keep your PSP busy until you are ready to retire it when the PS Vita rolls around in February. It includes a complete graphical overhaul for both Final Fantasy IV and The After Years. Commonly regarded as one of the best games OF ALL TIME.
On going
Dead Space and Dead Space 2 for $5 each
The PC downloadable versions of Dead Space and Dead Space 2 are on sale at Amazon for $5 each. Both games are chocked full of delicious tension and well worth a measly lincoln.
Ear Force X31 Digital RF Wireless Headset for $69.99
Personally, I have endless issues with headsets. Either my cat chews through the cord, or the connection between the cable and the headset gets frayed, or the quality just stinks. This is why I recently picked up the Ear Force X31 Digital RF Wireless Headset, and I am very happy with it so far. Since I don’t have a surround sound system, having the game audio piped through my headset is a bonus, and the Xbox Live chat works well. This item is currently on sale, so you may as well save those $30!
Xbox 360 Wired Controller for $27.99
“Eww, wired controller”, and sure, I agree, except that you don’t want this Xbox 360 Wired Controller for your Xbox 360, you actually want it for your PC! With so many console games getting excellent PC ports, you really need to have a dedicated PC gamepad, and you won’t do better than this one. Dead Space 2 has been as low at $5 on PC, and you don’t want to use a mouse and keyboard for that, do you? How about Deus Ex: Human Revolution being as cheap as $9.99 recently? Again: gamepad.
Once again with feeling:
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Collector’s Edition – X360, PS3 – Amazon – $99.99
- L.A. Noire: Complete Edition – X360, PS3 – BestBuy – $29.99
- 12 Month Xbox 360 Live Subscription Gold Card – X360 – Amazon – $39.99
- Alice: Madness Returns – PC Download – Amazon – $7.49
- Final Fantasy XIII – X360, PS3 – $9.99
- Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection – PSP – $9.99
- Dead Space – PC Download – Amazon – $5
- Dead Space 2 – PC Download – Amazon – $5
- Ear Force X31 Digital RF Wireless Headset – Xbox 360 – Amazon – $69.99
- Xbox 360 Wired Controller – Xbox 360, PC – Amazon – $27.99