Alan Wake’s American Nightmare Review – Recurring Dream

By Michael DiMauro on

American Nightmare doesn’t reinvent Alan Wake, and it has about the amount of content that you would expect from a downloadable title. What it does is give us a little more Alan Wake, which is a welcome thing. On top of that it’s expertly paced despite retreading the same areas, and fleshes out the character of Mr. Scratch who is a wonderful and inventive villain.

The Smithsonian Art of Video Games

By Nick on

I recently got to check out the new Video Game exhibit at the Smithsonian in DC. If you’re a fan of video games and in DC its definitely worth checking out. It’s not the largest exhibit, consisting of only about 3 rooms. It does give a brief look at video games over the years and …

MLB 12 The Show Review – Vita Version

By Michael DiMauro on

If you own a Vita, and are trying to choose between the two, I suggest getting the Vita version over the PS3. It isn’t quite as beautiful, and it only has most of the gameplay modes, but it is so darn close, that the freedom of having it on a handheld easily wins out. Maybe next year when owning a Vita is more common, it will be a harder decision, but for now, go with the Vita version all the way.

SSX Review: The Friend Killer

By Nick on

Snowboarding games, my long lost love, you have finally returned. The past SSX games were great, but with this new iteration, things are brought to a whole new level. The jumps are bigger, the tricks are crazier, and the graphics are gorgeous. This is the kind of game that will ruin your life under the right circumstances.