Mordew Review: What the Dickens

By Christina Ladd on

If Charles Dickens had been locked in a room, given only 20th century fantasy to read for five years, and then told to produce a novel, he would have produced Mordew. Alex Pheby is only ostensibly the author; I’m still not entirely convinced that it isn’t an elaborate misdirect, and that Dickens isn’t really scribing …

The Seven Visitations of Sydney Burgess Review: How do you forget you murdered someone?

By Steph Kingston on

The Seven Visitations of Sydney Burgess is a skin-crawlingly good horror book by Andy Marino, his first novel for adults.  It explores the real and supernatural darkness inside one woman and has an excellent blend of psychological and body horror that will keep you turning pages.  Marino’s visceral and descriptive style set you firmly in …