Geekly Rewind: Mario 64
In a new series for GeeklyInc, we do something that no one has ever done before and play classic video games. When will the innovation end? This time we look at Mario 64! Follow Kieran on Twitter: @mrk_bennett
In a new series for GeeklyInc, we do something that no one has ever done before and play classic video games. When will the innovation end? This time we look at Mario 64! Follow Kieran on Twitter: @mrk_bennett
I have never had the competitive spirit. This comes largely from an assumption that no matter how good I got at something, I would never be good enough to hang with the big boys. Because of this truth I had accepted about myself, I never really spent the time to become particularly skilled at any …
The beloved Grim Fandango is back in a remastered edition including updated graphics, a live orchestral soundtrack, additional control schemes and developer commentary. Grim Fandango is available on, DRM free, for Mac, Windows and Linux. It is also available digitally on PS4 and PS Vita and costs $14.99 across platforms. Pre-ordering will get you a … “Grey Goo” might sound cute at first, but it is actually a hypothetical end-of-the-world scenario featuring out of control, self-replicating nanobots. Grey Goo is also an old-school RTS set to release this fall on PC, and I was able to take it for a spin at PAX East. Grey Goo is being made by Petroglyph …
Check out our latest obsession! LUFTRAUSER is an arcade shooter available on the PC, PS3 and Vita and it is a ton of fun.
In this, our post Snowden America, we know you’re jonesing to give your sensitive personal data to just a few more people. We also know that you love you some Tropico. Satisfy both of those urges by signing up for the Tropico 5 beta right here. The beta is due to begin in March and …
Ask a Mario fan to pick their favorite mario game and most will choose either Super Mario Bros 3 or Super Mario World. Rightly so, as I would argue that they are favorites because they set a definitive set of rules for how Mario’s world works and then design those levels in a way that …
You guys: The Challenge Play is basically the game…in reverse. Here are the complete rules. First person to reconstruct and play (with Agriculture Credits and ledgerman hat) wins the internet.
Tim and Thrifty take a spin through the incredibly enjoyable Saints Row IV. They loved it! Grab a copy for yourself!
Thrifty and Tim take a look at Guncraft which pairs multiplayer first-person shooting with Minecraft style building.