Brute Force – Episode 21 – Full Bush

By Adam Bash on

Facing off against a 20 foot tall sextuple-horned terrifying demon creature, the Brute Force outsmarts themselves and get split up. We have launched the Brute Force Patreon campaign, so if you wish to support the show and get some goodies in the process, please check it out at If you haven’t already secured your …

Interview with Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape

By Brad Brockway on

Immersion, the willing suspension of disbelief, and player buy-in are some of the most important aspects in tabletop rpgs, and sometimes the small things can made a world of difference in-game. Syrinscape aids GMs in setting the conditions for immersion that will allow for greater player buy-in by creating fantastic soundscapes and soundtracks for use …