BY ON June 1st, 2012

The Tomb Raider reboot is looking more interesting than ever in this trailer made from gameplay footage. Lara Croft is no longer romping through tombs and kicking pottery. She is in what looks like an intense survival horror game. Time will tell if this game lands in a new genre, or sticks to its action/adventure …

BY ON June 1st, 2012

Konami has kicked off this year’s E3 with their annual Pre-E3 extravaganza. Besides scary holograms not related to video games in any way, you will see info on Konami’s mobile games, Pro Evolution Soccer 13, Zone of the Enders HD, Metal Gear Rising: Revengence and Castlevania: Lord of Shadows 2. There is also a fun Raiden …

BY ON May 31st, 2012

Bethesda has released the official trailer for Dawnguard, the first expansion for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Dawnguard will be released first on Xbox Live and cost 1600 of Microsoft’s space bucks (the equivalent of $20). Expect to get sucked back into Skyrim this summer.

BY ON May 30th, 2012

[jwplayer config=”Custom Player” mediaid=”17310″]   The under appreciated Little King’s Storyis getting a downloadable follow up this summer on the PS Vita. You will take on the roll of King Corobo as he travels across seven kingdoms to battle against evil dark lords rescue royal princesses. The new game will be making full use of the Vita’s …

BY ON May 29th, 2012

Gather around, all you half-men and half-women! We have a wonderful show for you this week on Cast of Thrones: The Game of Thrones podcast. What we lacked in donkeys we more than made up for in enthusiasm. The tensions that have been building up this season exploded into a bloody battle against the walls …

BY ON May 29th, 2012

Max Payne 2 came out nearly a decade ago, and things have changed quite a bit since then. Enough time has passed that a radically different Max Payne was in order, and the character of Max has changed as well as the game. Max is much older and has been spending most of his time …

BY ON May 29th, 2012

Today’s lightning deals feature a mix of family friendly exercise games, accessories and some actual games. You can also get Prototype 2 for $29.99 all day long. Check out the schedule and our best guesses below. Click here for these deals 8:00 AM PDT– Clue: 24 action-packed mini-adventures that will get the whole family moving with …

BY ON May 25th, 2012

Y’all ever seen The Dark Knight? You know how the Joker says “why so serious? Well we need to see if we can get that fella to come on over and talk to the guys in Sleeping Dogs. Look at em, they are all so serious. That guy is bleeding and that one is getting …

BY ON May 24th, 2012

THQ has released a short film to give you a taste of what to expect when you play Metro Last Light in 2013. If you missed Metro 2033, well you should be ashamed. It wasn’t the best shooter ever, but the atmosphere was so thick and wonderful that you should really give it a shot. …

BY ON May 22nd, 2012

Hey all you crime stoppers, we have a murderer on the loose! Ser Jaime escaped from King Robb’s camp, some say with the help of Catelyn Stark and Brienne of Tarth! Jon Snow is going to need all our help escaping from the Lord of Bones beyond the wall, but maybe Cadet Crime Stoppers Grenn, …

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