Possibly one of the biggest fortnights in a while, thanks in no small part to Batman’s first big crossover Night of the Monster Men kicking off. Also rearing its misshapen head is another amazing issue of Clean Room, DC’s second Young Animal series Shade the Changing Girl and The Autumnlands finally makes a welcome return. …
Not exactly a busy fortnight in terms of comics, but that’s always the case around the end of the month. Nevertheless, a cracking issue of Wonder Woman has hit the stands again and Hal Jordan has managed to slightly redeem itself. Wonder Woman #5 Greg Rucka Liam Sharp Greg Rucka has made a truly excellent …
Clean Room #9 (Vertigo) Writer: Gail Simone Pencils: Jon Davis-Hunt First Impressions: Clean Room has been one of the trippiest, most bizarre comics to ever grace my box since the day #1 came out. Part sci-fi romp, part body-horror extravaganza, I find Clean Room hard to classify. Previously the entire story had been flipped on …
Rebirth is here! Darkseid War is here! This weeks comics are here! And that means we’ll be sitting down to have a look through their pages and sort out whats what. The highlight this week is of course, the much awaited DC Universe: Rebirth, but first up, the penultimate chapter of Edge of Oblivion. Green …
Justice League #49 (Darkseid War Part 9) (DC Comics) Writer: Geoff Johns Pencils: Jason Fabok First Impressions: Geoff Johns certainly knows how to write a climax. For the last 4 issues, Justice league has been building to the end of Darkseid War, and there’s still another 4 issues to go. That said, Johns isn’t coming from a …
The Clean Room #1 is a tantalizing first step into a world that is altogether a little too familiar. Everything is overexposed–in graphic detail–but somehow still full of hidden agendas. Each character’s story immediately dramatically unfair, and madness is in ample supply. It’s a comic very much for and about this suspicious generation, weaned on corporate marketing …