Top 5 Books of 2019

By Silk Jazmyne on


Reviewer Silk Jazmyne gives us her top 5 of this year!

  1. Black From The Future: A Collection of Black Speculative Fiction (ed. Stephanie Andrea Allen and Lauren Cherelle) – This collection of short stories has literally everything. Vampires, space operas, djinn and much more with black characters on the page with the voice of the diaspora.
  2. Bedfellow (Jeremy Shipp) – An enjoyably terrifying novel that challenges the very perception of reality. It’s an exploration of the private worlds people hold as they navigate the human experience.
  3. The Haunting of Tram Car 015 (P. Djèlí Clark) – Set in an alternate Cairo in 1912, the main plot of this novella is fun and witty as Clark touches on tougher issues such as women’s equality and spiritual expression.
  4. The Black God’s Drums (P. Djèlí Clark) – Set in an alternate New Orleans, the Union and Confederacy still exist in contention as Jacqueline and Captain Anne Marie Augustine set out to retrieve a dangerous weapon called The Black God’s Drums.
  5. Out Of The Blue (Sophie Cameron) – In this debut novel, the author explores how the world continues after tragedy. The novel is written in first person from the point of view of protagonist Jaya, a teenaged Sri Lankan girl from Scotland.

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