The Merro Tree Review

By Christina Ladd on

Perhaps no other book has influenced my thinking about freedom of expression and the power of art as much as The Merro Tree. Yet when I tell people that, I get blank stares.  It’s positively criminal that this book isn’t up there with Fahrenheit 451.  Then again, Fahrenheit 451 is the kind of book that you …

Snow Like Ashes Review: Silver-White Winters that Rage at the Spring, this Book has a Bunch of My Favorite Things

By Christina Ladd on

Once again, we’re in rebellious territory with Snow Like Ashes, the story of a band of refugees set on reclaiming their homeland at any cost. The escaped citizens of Winter, a magical kingdom forever frozen in that single season, lost everything to the evil denizens of Spring. To fight back, they need to reunite the …